
SCIPP’s applied research addresses entrepreneurship, technological and organisational innovation, as well as economic, industrial and technology policies.

International research cooperation involves universities and research institutions, as well as firms, governments, labour unions and industry associations.

A list of past and present research projects is outlined below. 

Research Projects

Welfare, Wealth and Work – A New Growth Path for Europe. Subproject: European Policies in Support of Intangibles.

The project deals with the political support of various forms of firm-specific intangible capital in European comparison, in particular the digital knowledge-base, modes of human capital formation and knowledge transfer, and innovation routines.
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Regions of Knowledge. Subproject: Sustainable Organization between Clusters of Optimized Logistics

The research project investigates the institutional and structural dynamics of logistics clusters in selected European regions - with a focus on the comparative analysis of the FrankfurtRhineMain region.
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National Pathways to Low-Carbon Economies. Subproject: Pathways to the Greening of Innovation Regimes in Germany and the United Kingdom

The subproject investigates the emergence of ecologically sustainable innovation regimes in Germany and the United Kingdom, in particular addressing the country-specific strategies for decarbonizing the economy.
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Transnational Entrepreneurship in Frankfurt am Main

The project analyzes the institutional and cultural embeddedness of migrant transnational entrepreneurship in Frankfurt am Main and the metropolitan area FrankfurtRheinMain.
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The Economic Role of International Communities in the Region FrankfurtRheinMain

The project examines the economic role of international communities for the international connectedness of the region of FrankfurtRheinMain in global networks of production and exchange.
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Cluster Study FrankfurtRheinMain

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The project examines the cluster profile of the FrankfurtRheinMain region, one of the most vibrant economic agglomerations in Europe, which is driven by major regional clusters in the fields of logistics, information and communication, finance, and consulting. The analytical focus is on in-depth analyses of competitiveness, specialization dynamics and networking patterns of the main regional […]
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